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At the national level, it hosted the athletics while at the sub-regional level, 80 locations hosting the action. Russia will take part in 2014 Winter Olympics.Delayed ADAMTS13 inhibition in adolescent and adult patients with severe aHUS.
Severe aHUS is an acute, life-threatening thrombotic microangiopathy, which is often triggered by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection or pregnancy. Despite supportive treatment, 50% of affected patients die or progress to end-stage renal disease. An antibody against von Willebrand factor (VWF) inactivator is detected in the majority of patients and is therefore a major diagnostic marker. The pathogenesis of the disease is thought to result from the formation of sublytic platelet-derived microvesicles by ADAMTS13-resistant VWF. Although there are no controlled studies in pediatric patients, diagnostic tests that are able to predict the risk of hemorrhage are required to help guide supportive management of these patients. To investigate the use of a combined VWF and ADAMTS13 assay to predict the risk of hemorrhage in adolescent and adult patients with severe aHUS. Results of one assay that had low sensitivity and another that lacked specificity were combined to develop a clinically relevant risk classification system. In this study, a combined VWF/ADAMTS13 assay was used to diagnose a cohort of 50 pediatric and adult patients with severe a

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